Papers of BAS
Reading Сommittee
Instructions for reviewers: Please assess the article that you have received in the terms provided on this sheet. If you feel that you cannot provide such commentary in our peer review, please return the essay to us to be sent out to a different scholar.
Please fill in the form below:
1040 Sofia, 1 15 Noemvri
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ergul Tair Redzheb, Institute for Population and Human Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Title of paper:
Email Address:
Please highlight the answer that most fully reflects your opinion
1. The paper is in line with the journal's profile:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
2. The paper considers a legitimate research problem and contributes to its solution:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
3. This work is new and original research:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
4. The paper contains clearly formulated aims, methodology and conclusions:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
5. The paper contributes to development of knowledge in the research filed:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
6. The paper has a logical and adequate organization:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
7. The data are presented accurately and clearly:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
8. The interpretations and conclusions are sound and justified by the data:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
9. The paper is clear and readable; style and language are acceptable:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
10. Tables (if any) are clear, accurate and related to the text:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
11. Figuresif any) are of good quality, clear, informative and related to the text:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
12. All the tables and figures in the text are present:
Yes |
No |
13. The title reflects the content of the paper:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
14. The references are complete, accurate, up-to-date and related to the text:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
15. The abstract is concise and informative:
Completely |
Partly |
No |
16. Your recommendation to the Editorial Board:
- Accept the paper in its present form
- Accept the paper with minor revisions.
- The paper should be heavily edited / rewritten.
- Reject the paper.
17. Comments and recommendations to the Editorial Board:
18. Comments and recommendations to the author: