Ludmila Ivancheva
Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences
Vol. 8, 2021, No. 2
Leibniz’s Monadology and its insights concerning quantum physics
Ludmila Ivancheva
Abstract. This study examines Gottfried Leibniz’s remarkable philosophical work Monadology in the context of his insights on some concepts in modern quantum physics. In particular, a connection has been detected between the properties of the monads and the corpuscular-wave dualism of the elementary particles, and ideological similarities have been identified with regard to the existence of a hidden, unmanifested reality as a reason for the “unfolding” of the material world. The phenomenon “non-locality” related to this idea has also found its analogies in Leibniz’s concepts expressed in his work Monadology. Moreover, an analysis has been made of the relationship of Monadology to the modern concept of the holographic and fractal nature of the Universe. A conclusion has been made that in history of sciences, ideas quite frequently evolve and if not rejected, they would gradually get saturated with content and find their revitalization in some modern scientific theories.
Keywords: Leibniz, Monadology, philosophical insights, quantum physics, history of science
Papers of BAS Humanities and Social Sciences
Vol. 4, 2017, No 2
The rise of modern technoscience:
some conceptual considerations
from the perspective of S&T studies
Ludmila Ivancheva
Abstract. The article examines the heterogeneity in modern conceptions of techno- science and the need for their rethinking in the perspective of S&T studies. The specific “mainstream” in the study of technoscience is identified, on the basis of the so-called convergent approach. The article proposes the generalizing thesis that modern science is naturally evolving towards technoscience, and grounds the respective S&T studies con- ceptual framework providing a view of the essence of technoscience as related to the creation of a symbiotic and synergetic relationship between science and technologies, as well as a view of the scope of this phenomenon, which, according to the author, en- compasses all branches of modern science, to various degrees. A brief reconstruction is given of the development of technoscience in the perspective of the proposed conceptual framework. In conclusion, technoscience is described as the new paradigm of the future, which will actively affect social development and has the potential to significantly change our way of life.
Keywords: technoscience, conceptual clarification, S&T studies, convergence of science and technology, social responsibility of R&D