Papers of BAS

Abstracting / Indexing

Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol. 10, 2023, No. 2

Nikolay Raynov and humanistic psychology: Articulated insights on creativity

Katya Stoycheva

Abstract. This study applies a particular theory of creativity - the humanistic view proposed by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow - to examine a case, such as Nikolay Raynov’s texts on the history of visual arts. This method matches the observations that the art historian discusses in his writings with the content of the concepts that psychologists developed to study creativity. More specifically, the comparisons illustrate the elements of the creative attitude and the notion of integrated creativity through insights into the inner, subjective dimensions of the creators’ artistic achievements.

Keywords: Nikolay Raynov, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, creativity, visual arts



Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol. 7, 2020, No. 1

Psychological studies of creativity in the literary domain

Katya Stoycheva

Abstract. This paper extrapolates creativity research and its findings to the field of literary creativity and its investigation. Psychological studies of the creative person, the creative process and the creative product in the domain of literature are reviewed and discussed. Their presentation exposes the variety of methodological approaches that were employed: case studies of eminent writers which outline the foundations of their contributions or examine their way of doing what they do; qualitative analyses of writers’ interviews, commentaries, and personal accounts of their writing process and career path; empirical studies of the personality of outstanding contemporary writers; historiometric analyses of writers’ life span and creative productivity in different literary genres; and conceptually driven and empirically grounded content analyses of literary texts.

Keywords: psychology of creativity, literature, eminent creators, creative writers, literary works